Page 13 - Instruction for Parents
P. 13

Patience and Love in the Family

          with it. Also on his way to school – to the bus – when crossing
          the street he must learn to be on his own. The child enjoys it
          and it strengthens his self-awareness. In this way he learns to
          hold his ground. Now, perhaps he makes mistakes (happens
          to the adults, too!) – then these are experiences of life. Here
          again the attention of the parents is needed. This time not
          trust, but understanding. Strengthen anew the self-confi-
          dence of your child by maybe saying: „Just think about how
          that could happen. – How could you have prevented it? – What
          have you learnt from it?“ To explain to your child how and why
          it made him wiser and smarter. As a result, he also learns to
          think positively.

                              Comfort-Loving Nature

          There are children who are comfort-loving, who never feel like
          doing anything because they much rather prefer the taste of
                                                 what is spoon-fed to
                                                 them. Mummy or daddy
                                                 will do this or that them-
                                                 selves after all. These
                                                 children need to be con-
                                                 tinually urged on so that
                                                 they may also keep them-
                                                 selves busy; assign to
                                                 older   kids   age-appro-
                                                 priate chores, also regu-
                                                 lar ones so that they will
          learn to take responsibility. An approving check every time is
          always proper and supportive.

          In every respect the child needs a basis which he can later use
          as a foothold to stand on. How many are barred from success
          – in school – in their career – in their marriage, because they

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