Donation accounts
GOD’s Underground Church
GOD appointed for Himself an Instrument for this and the coming time in order to reinstate the bond between GOD and man. The Sword-Bishop Nikolaus Schneider was schooled by GOD from childhood and received from GOD the mission to form an underground Church. Countless people from 30 countries found their way back to GOD through his sermons. More and more people are seeking the meaning of life and want a hold for the difficult future. Meanwhile, his clergy, instructed by him, travel around several countries in order to edify the people with conversations and provide them with the Sacraments. It is a steady growth, which is why the Sword-Bishop should admit even more priests and religious sisters in order to be able to perpetuate this work more extensively.
It was with great joy that the Sword-Bishop was able to purchase a new large house through GOD’s help on 7 July 2023! It is the former hotel “Kapplerhof” in CH-9642 Ebnat-Kappel, which was built in 1989 by a Christian community and is therefore tailor-made for our needs. The property covers an area of over 10’000 m2, there is a meeting room in the building with more than 560 seats, it has 53 rooms, many seminar and work rooms, numerous outside parking spaces and even an underground garage with over 60 parking spaces. The Kapplerhof is easy to reach by car or public transport. As it is at the entrance to the village, there is no burden on the villagers due to visitor access. This hotel has been empty for over 4 years and has been very neglected, so there is some major renovation work to be done before we can move in. The flat roof needs to be completely renewed as water is seeping in, a new kitchen is needed as the last but one owner took it with him when he moved out. Heating, electricity, water as well as fire precautions need to be repaired. Prayer is still needed so that the renovation costs can be met.
It is one of the worst things for the Sword-Bishop to have to “beg” for money because what goes for him is according to JESUS’ word: “It is more blessed to give than to receive!” For this reason we all work without payment for GOD’s wages and do not collect any membership fee either. We offer free board and lodging to all who would like to visit us at a weekend to become better acquainted with us.
GOD’s work has been living only on voluntary donations for over 40 years and we will also be able to meet these large expenses – with confidence in GOD and your help. The concern for the continuation of this work of GOD urges me to start this fundraising campaign. Everyone who supports this work has a share in all Holy Sacrifices of the Mass that are celebrated there.
We are deeply grateful to every single person for all their support – be it by prayer or financially.

or by paying-in slip /Bank transfer:
PostFinance 90–9189‑4
IBAN: CH95 0900 0000 9000 9189 4
Postbank München 1200 55 801 (BLZ 700 100 80)
IBAN: DE34 7001 0080 0120 0558 01
Account holder:
Neuchristen, Bergstrasse 52, CH-9038 Rehetobel AR