Donation accounts

GOD’s Underground Church

GOD appoin­ted for Hims­elf an Instru­ment for this and the coming time in order to rein­sta­te the bond bet­ween GOD and man. The Sword-Bishop Niko­laus Schnei­der was schoo­led by GOD from child­hood and recei­ved from GOD the mis­si­on to form an under­ground Church. Count­less peo­p­le from 30 count­ries found their way back to GOD through his ser­mons. More and more peo­p­le are see­king the mea­ning of life and want a hold for the dif­fi­cult future. Mean­while, his cler­gy, ins­truc­ted by him, tra­vel around seve­ral count­ries in order to edi­fy the peo­p­le with con­ver­sa­ti­ons and pro­vi­de them with the Sacra­ments. It is a ste­ady growth, which is why the Sword-Bishop should admit even more priests and reli­gious sis­ters in order to be able to per­pe­tua­te this work more exten­si­ve­ly.

It was with gre­at joy that the Sword-Bishop was able to purcha­se a new lar­ge house through GOD’s help on 7 July 2023! It is the for­mer hotel “Kapp­ler­hof” in CH-9642 Ebnat-Kap­pel, which was built in 1989 by a Chris­ti­an com­mu­ni­ty and is the­r­e­fo­re tail­or-made for our needs. The pro­per­ty covers an area of over 10’000 m2, the­re is a mee­ting room in the buil­ding with more than 560 seats, it has 53 rooms, many semi­nar and work rooms, num­e­rous out­side par­king spaces and even an under­ground gara­ge with over 60 par­king spaces. The Kapp­ler­hof is easy to reach by car or public trans­port. As it is at the ent­rance to the vil­la­ge, the­re is no bur­den on the vil­la­gers due to visi­tor access. This hotel has been emp­ty for over 4 years and has been very negle­c­ted, so the­re is some major reno­va­ti­on work to be done befo­re we can move in. The flat roof needs to be com­ple­te­ly rene­wed as water is see­ping in, a new kit­chen is nee­ded as the last but one owner took it with him when he moved out. Hea­ting, elec­tri­ci­ty, water as well as fire pre­cau­ti­ons need to be repai­red. Pray­er is still nee­ded so that the reno­va­ti­on cos­ts can be met.

It is one of the worst things for the Sword-Bishop to have to “beg” for money becau­se what goes for him is accor­ding to JESUS’ word: “It is more bles­sed to give than to recei­ve!” For this reason we all work wit­hout pay­ment for GOD’s wages and do not coll­ect any mem­ber­ship fee eit­her. We offer free board and lodging to all who would like to visit us at a weekend to beco­me bet­ter acquain­ted with us.

GOD’s work has been living only on vol­un­t­a­ry dona­ti­ons for over 40 years and we will also be able to meet the­se lar­ge expen­ses – with con­fi­dence in GOD and your help. The con­cern for the con­ti­nua­tion of this work of GOD urges me to start this fund­rai­sing cam­paign. Ever­yo­ne who sup­ports this work has a share in all Holy Sacri­fices of the Mass that are cele­bra­ted the­re.

We are deep­ly gra­teful to every sin­gle per­son for all their sup­port – be it by pray­er or finan­ci­al­ly.

or by pay­ing-in slip /​Bank trans­fer:

Post­Fi­nan­ce 90–9189‑4
IBAN: CH95 0900 0000 9000 9189 4

Post­bank Mün­chen 1200 55 801 (BLZ 700 100 80)
IBAN: DE34 7001 0080 0120 0558 01

Account hol­der:

Neu­ch­ris­ten, Berg­stras­se 52, CH-9038 Rehe­to­bel AR