Holy Mass Centres

Below are lis­ted the loca­li­ties whe­re once a month a priest orda­i­ned by the Sword-Bishop cele­bra­tes the Holy Sacri­fice of the Mass:

Tho­se inte­res­ted in atten­ding them may plea­se cont­act the head­quar­ters in Ebnat-Kap­pel
by e‑mail: nch@neuchristen.com
or call: +41 (0)71 /​877 22 22
for fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on.

New Holy Mass Centres

Sin­ce the begin­ning of the mis­si­on, we have 41 Holy Mass Cen­tres.

It is our goal to open fur­ther Holy Mass cen­tres. In some of the abo­ve-men­tio­ned loca­li­ties we will rent a space for the month­ly get-tog­e­thers. Anyo­ne who would like to pro­vi­de us with accom­mo­da­ti­on (e.g. a con­sidera­ble living room) or wis­hes a priest’s visit for a bles­sing of the house, etc., may plea­se cont­act us: us: nch@neuchristen.com

Si pos­si­ble, nous en tien­drons comp­te lors de la pla­ni­fi­ca­ti­on de la mis­si­on.