Adress: Berg­stras­se 52, CH-9038 Rehe­to­bel
Com­mer­cial Reis­ter-No: CHE-103.308.073
Regis­ter Court: Kan­tons­ge­richt, CH-9043 Tro­gen

Board mem­bers and their func­tions:
Niko­laus Schnei­der, pre­si­dent
Pau­la Schnei­der, vice-pre­si­dent
Pia Muff, board mem­ber
Gabrie­la Abgotts­pon, board mem­ber

Board mem­bers and their func­tions:
Niko­laus Schnei­der, Kapp­ler­stras­se 111, CH-9642 Ebnat-Kap­pel
Tele­pho­ne: +41 (0)71 /​877 22 22


Sis­ter Lise­lot­te Gspo­ner
Pos­tal address: Kapp­ler­stras­se 111, CH-9642 Ebnat-Kap­pel
Tele­pho­ne: +41 (0)71 877 22 22

Limi­ta­ti­on of lia­bi­li­ty
We do not assu­me any respon­si­bi­li­ty whatsoe­ver for the topi­cal­i­ty, accu­ra­cy, com­ple­ten­ess or qua­li­ty of the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded. Lia­bi­li­ty for mate­ri­al or imma­te­ri­al dama­ge cau­sed by the use or fail­ure to use the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded or by the use of incor­rect or incom­ple­te infor­ma­ti­on is cate­go­ri­cal­ly excluded, unless the­re is evi­dence of wilful intent or gross negli­gence on the part of the ser­vice pro­vi­der.

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Dis­clai­mer (exclu­si­on of lia­bi­li­ty)

1. Lia­bi­li­ty for con­tent
In accordance with para­graph 7, sec­tion 1 of the Ger­man Tele­me­dia Act (Tele­me­di­en­ge­setz, TMG), we as a ser­vice pro­vi­der are respon­si­ble for our own con­tent on the­se web pages in com­pli­ance with gene­ral legis­la­ti­on. Howe­ver, in accordance with para­graphs 8 to 10 of the Ger­man Tele­me­dia Act, we as ser­vice pro­vi­ders are not requi­red to moni­tor exter­nal infor­ma­ti­on that has been trans­mit­ted or stored, or to enqui­re about cir­cum­s­tances which might indi­ca­te ille­gal acti­vi­ties. Obli­ga­ti­ons to remo­ve or block the use of infor­ma­ti­on in com­pli­ance with gene­ral legis­la­ti­on remain unaf­fec­ted. Lia­bi­li­ty in this regard only appli­es from the moment of know­ledge of an actu­al inf­rin­ge­ment of law. Upon noti­fi­ca­ti­on of such legal vio­la­ti­ons, we will remo­ve this con­tent imme­dia­te­ly.

2. Lia­bi­li­ty for links
This web­site is lin­ked to exter­nal web­sites ope­ra­ted by third par­ties, the con­tent of which we can­not influence. For this reason, we can­not accept any lia­bi­li­ty for this third-par­ty con­tent. The respec­ti­ve pro­vi­der or ope­ra­tor of the web pages is always respon­si­ble for the con­tent of the lin­ked pages. The lin­ked pages have been che­cked for pos­si­ble legal inf­rin­ge­ments at the time of lin­king. No ille­gal con­tent could be iden­ti­fied at the time of lin­king. Howe­ver, per­ma­nent moni­to­ring of the con­tent of lin­ked pages is not reasonable wit­hout spe­ci­fic indi­ca­ti­ons that the­re is an inf­rin­ge­ment. Upon noti­fi­ca­ti­on of legal vio­la­ti­ons, we will imme­dia­te­ly remo­ve such links from this web page.

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© 1990 Neu­ch­ris­ten