The Signs of the Times

Part of the Sword-Bishop’s mis­si­on is to unco­ver the machi­na­ti­ons of Satan. Under “Signs of the Times“ you will find some wri­tin­gs in which the Sword-Bishop points out, as GOD sees it, in what way the Evil One works in order to cor­rupt men. Cen­tu­ries-old pro­phe­sies will be ful­fil­led in our days …

„And in the mor­ning you say: Today it will be stor­my wea­ther, for the sky is red and over­cast. You know how to inter­pret the appearance of the sky but you can­not inter­pret the signs of the times.“ (Mat­th 16,3)

„When the­r­e­fo­re you shall see the ”abo­mi­na­ti­on of deso­la­ti­on”, spo­ken of by the pro­phet Dani­el (9,27; 12,11), stan­ding ”in the holy place” – he who reads, let him under­stand – then let tho­se who are in Judea flee to the moun­ta­ins and let no one in the field go back to take his cloak. Woe to pregnant women and nur­sing mothers in tho­se days! Pray that your flight will not take place in win­ter or on the Sab­bath. For then the­re will be gre­at distress, such as has not been from the begin­ning of the world until now (Dan 12,1) and never will be. And if tho­se days should not be shor­ten­ed, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect tho­se days will be shor­ten­ed.“ (Matt 24,15–22)

„Tru­ly, I say to you: This gene­ra­ti­on will not pass away until all the­se things have hap­pen­ed. Hea­ven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.“ (Mark 13,30–31)

Signs of the Times

Fur­ther inte­res­t­ing topics can be found under:

The Bil­li­on-Fold
Child Mur­der
The Sin that Cries
to Hea­ven
Ear­ly Sex Edu­ca­ti­on &
The Dar­wi­ni­an Theo­ry
Does Rebirth Exist?
Eso­te­ri­cism – Rei­ki
Pil­grimage Sites &
Pri­vi­le­ged Souls
Lea­ving the Church