Easter Letter of the Sword-Bishop

Holy Week –
Becoming Engrossed in the Passion of CHRIST

“It is Holy Week. May we immer­se our­sel­ves, each accor­ding to their pos­si­bi­li­ties, in what hap­pen­ed. What did GOD in JESUS CHRIST take upon Hims­elf in order for Hea­ven to be reope­ned to huma­ni­ty, to whom Hea­ven would have been lost through sins from the begin­ning of man­kind until the end of man­kind! ‘Even through the sins of all my life!’ – ever­yo­ne needs to con­tem­p­la­te and reco­g­ni­se this for them­sel­ves.” (Sword-Bishop)

Watch live on Sun­day the Holy Sacri­fice of the Mass of the Sword-Bishop! The Sword-Bishop cele­bra­tes the Holy Sacri­fice of the Mass in Ger­man. Eng­lish-spea­king per­sons can down­load the Mass texts as a PDF docu­ment.

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