Page 5 - Instruction for Parents
P. 5

Instil Confidence in GOD in Your Child

          on GOD. You have to put into the child’s heart fine and beauti-
          ful qualities – educate his heart. This calls, of course, for the
          mother as well as the father to take an interest in fine and beau-
          tiful things – to acquire fine qualities themselves. In children’s
          hearts is only room for what is fine and tender; any
          coarseness and violence crushes their tender nature. Good
          words, images and music, nature, animals will draw the
          child’s attention to the Creator.

                Instil Confidence in GOD in Your Child

          You cannot start early enough to kindle faith in the FATHER in
          Heaven in the child. First of all, he must be able to receive
          peace and quiet with all his senses – experience order and har-
          mony – loving affection, which at the same time educates him
          to forgo gratification.

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