Reading Sacred Scripture

“When cele­bra­ting the feasts of the Apost­les, I always have one wish: that every Chris­ti­an would make it their duty to read at least one litt­le para­graph of Sacred Scrip­tu­re every day. Also the Old Tes­ta­ment would be an exci­ting read, real page-tur­ning ‘action’! Each rea­ding of Sacred Scrip­tu­re gives a spi­ri­tu­al sur­ge as with a fly­ing bird which after des­cen­ding is able to soar up again by an upward wind.” (Sword-Bishop)

Watch live on Sun­day the Holy Sacri­fice of the Mass of the Sword-Bishop! The Sword-Bishop cele­bra­tes the Holy Sacri­fice of the Mass in Ger­man. Eng­lish-spea­king per­sons can down­load the Mass texts as a PDF docu­ment.

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