Church of the New Christians

The Church of the New Chris­ti­ans, under the lea­der­ship of the Sword-Bishop, is the con­ti­nua­tion of the apos­to­lic tra­di­ti­on, her belief is Roman Catho­lic.

Near­ly 2000 years ago GOD, name­ly JESUS CHRIST, foun­ded a Church, who­se faithful cal­led them­sel­ves Chris­ti­ans. Despi­te supre­me effort of her ste­wards, howe­ver, this Church beca­me more and more huma­ni­zed.

The chal­lenges of the cen­tu­ries often had to be oppo­sed with con­sis­tent legis­la­ti­on, and this Church did not always have holy ste­wards who acted in the spi­rit of her Foun­der. A Church beco­ming rigid by laws was our century’s heri­ta­ge.

And worse was yet to come: the reforms were under­mi­ned by the spi­rit of the world and as a result defea­ted their pur­po­se.

Like a young shoot the Church of the New Chris­ti­ans ari­ses rene­wed from the rot­ten trunk of the old Church.

Foundation of the New Christians

The foun­da­ti­on of the Church of the New Chris­ti­ans is based on Peter the rock, i.e. she embo­dies the Church of JESUS CHRIST adapt­ed to our time with her ori­gi­nal riches of thought and grace.

Love and sim­pli­ci­ty imprin­ted their mark on the ear­ly Chris­ti­an spi­rit. The mis­sio­na­ry task of the Apost­les com­pri­sed libe­ra­ti­on from the rigid cult of the law, redemp­ti­on from the chain of sin, and gui­dance towards inner inde­pen­dence with GOD.

A young sci­on from the rot­ten trunk
JESUS with His Apost­les – Con­fer­ral of the power of bin­ding and loo­sing

Represented in more than 30 Countries

The Church of the New Chris­ti­ans is repre­sen­ted in more than 30 count­ries. In Ger­ma­ny, the Net­her­lands as well as in cen­tral and sou­thern Switz­er­land, we have four affi­lia­ted sta­ti­ons whe­re priests and sis­ters are sta­tio­ned and pro­vi­de onsite pas­to­ral care for the faithful. Wan­de­ring bishops tra­vel throug­hout Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria and South Tyrol and hold month­ly talks and cele­bra­te Holy Sacri­fices of the Mass in more than 40 Holy Mass cen­tres, simi­lar to the times of the first Chris­ti­ans. Sis­ters, pre­si­ded over by an Abbess, and lay hel­pers sup­port this mis­sio­na­ry work. As ear­ly as 2016, IT experts spo­ke of over 3 mil­li­on lis­ten­ers of the ser­mons of the Sword-Bishop. The acti­ve mem­ber­ship curr­ent­ly amounts to appro­xi­m­ate­ly 1,000 peo­p­le.

Financing of the New Christians

The cler­gy, the order of sis­ters and co-workers belon­ging to the lai­ty lead a life of so-cal­led evan­ge­li­cal pover­ty. This means that they recei­ve neither pay­ment nor allo­wan­ce.

Cos­ts for housing, fur­nis­hing of cha­pels, elec­tri­ci­ty, water, hea­ting, nou­rish­ment, clot­hing, vehic­les and their main­ten­an­ce, obli­ga­to­ry insu­ran­ces, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, prin­ting, office, mis­sio­na­ry work and many more things are being finan­ced in all hou­ses by vol­un­t­a­ry dona­ti­ons. We want to show GOD our trust by deman­ding no con­tri­bu­ti­ons, tax, char­ges and the like, nor neither for the admi­nis­tra­ti­ons of Sacra­ments. We are great­ly obli­ged, howe­ver, for vol­un­t­a­ry gifts.

Matt. 6,31ff: „Be not soli­ci­tous the­r­e­fo­re, say­ing: What shall we eat, what shall we drink, whe­re­wi­th shall we be clo­thed? For after all the­se things do the hea­thens seek. For your hea­ven­ly Father knows that you have need of all the­se things. Seek you the­r­e­fo­re first the king­dom of God and his righ­teous­ness, and all the­se things shall be added unto you.“

The­se dona­ti­ons should be vol­un­t­a­ry for the very reason that in giving vol­un­t­a­ri­ly one gains gre­at reco­gni­ti­on with GOD. This merit should not be with­held from the faithful and bene­fac­tors.

2 Cor. 9,7: „Every one as he has deter­mi­ned in his heart, so let him give; not grud­gin­gly or of neces­si­ty; for God loves a cheerful giver.“

A Work of GOD

It is not by the will of man that the Church of the New Chris­ti­ans is acti­ve, but at GOD’s desi­re.

The Sword-Bishop, lea­der of the New Chris­ti­ans: „GOD desi­res that part of the peo­p­le should fight with me in the name of the small flock of JESUS CHRIST!

I stand in need of sup­port and faith. Bene­vo­lent and unsel­fi­sh peo­p­le do I need in order to be able to cope with my mis­si­on.

Here I am, rea­dy for GOD and man­kind!
How about you?“

Sermon de
l’écrit mensuel