Sword-Bishop – His Per­so­nal Deve­lo­p­ment
(Accor­ding to notes by Fried­rich Bucher)
GOD schoo­led Niko­laus, whom He calls His per­so­nal Instru­ment, sin­ce his ear­liest child­hood with the aim of trai­ning him for very dark times, in which we are now, in the Church, poli­tics and the world.

In the Name of GOD TRINITY
Words of GOD to man­kind through His per­so­nal Instru­ment, the Sword-Bishop

Read and Reco­gni­ze
Explo­si­ve reve­la­ti­ons from GOD’s point of view about the situa­ti­on of Church and world.

Main Com­mandment
On the Love of GOD and Neigh­bour

Sings and Won­ders
Accom­pa­ny the Sword-Bishop

The Divi­ne Direc­tions for Use
Links bet­ween the envi­ron­men­tal pro­blems and cata­stro­phes and sole chan­ce of sal­va­ti­on

of the Sword-Bischop

Cir­cu­lar “I Will Make You Hap­py”
Real-life advice from Mother Pau­la for bridal cou­ples and fami­ly life

Cir­cu­lar “Ins­truc­tion for Par­ents”
Valuable life expe­ri­en­ces from Mother Pau­la for rai­sing child­ren